Write a program using math funtion.

We often use standard mathematical funtions such as cos, sin, exp, etc. In this program we add a new header called #include"math.h" that instructs the compiler to link the specified mathematical function form the library. We shall see now the use of a mathematical function in a program.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.1416
#define MAX 180
int angle;
float x,y;
angle = 0;
printf(" Angle Cos(angle)\n\n");
while(angle <= MAX)
x = (PI/MAX)*angle;
y = cos(x);
printf("%15d %13.4f\n", angle, y);
angle = angle + 10;


Angle Cos(angle)
0 1.0000
10 0.9848
20 0.9397
30 0.8660
40 0.7660
160 -0.9397
170 -0.9848
180 -1.0000


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