Write a program in HTML to demonstrate the use of basic tags.

HTML stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language".HTML is the bricks and mortar of the WWW. Without HTML the World Wide Web could not have become as important as it is today. HTML is a document formatting language common the all computers on the WWW. Html permits cross platform communication between Macs, Apples, SUNs, PCs and others to view a document in a similar way. Every webpage that you visit uses HTML in some way, you can view the HTML code behind a website in Internet Explorer by selecting: View>Source.
HTML has two sections, the "Head" section and the "Body" section. The head section is where the information about the web page is put for the browser. This has nothing to do with the heading that you want to see on your web page. Things that can be stored in the head section include Keywords for search engines or the title of your webpage. The body section is where the web page is coded. This is where you put the information for your web page.We are now going to create our very own webpage, for now we are going to create a simple page telling people your name.Please follow these instructions:
  • Create a new folder so you have some where to save your website, call this folder anything you wish, this is where all pages and images for your website will be saved.
  • Open notepad and type the following code, you may change the code in yellow to suit your needs: Type the following code into NotePad.
    <title>My Own Home Page </title>
    <H1> I am Your-Name and this is my web Page!</H1>

  • Thats it! You have just coded your first webpage. Now save the notepad file by selecting "Save as" (make sure you save the file in the folder you have just created) In the filename box type "index.html" and from the "Save as type" box select "All Files"Then click "Save".
  • You are now ready to view your first webpage, navigate to the folder where you saved the file, double click on it and you will see your first webpage. It should look something like this:


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