Write a simple program using PYTHON.

Python is a powerful yet easy to use programming language developed by Guido van Rossum, first released over a decade ago in 1991. With Python, you can quickly write a small project. But Python also scales up nicely and can be used for mission-critical, commercial applications.
Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language that can be used for many kinds of software development. It offers strong support for integration with other languages and tools, comes with extensive standard libraries, and can be learned in a few days. Many Python programmers report substantial productivity gains and feel the language encourages the development of higher quality, more maintainable code.
There are a lot of programming languages out there. What's so great about Python? Let me tell you.
  1. Python Is Easy to Use
  2. Python Is Powerful
  3. Python Is Object-Oriented
  4. Python Is a "Glue" Language
  5. Python Runs Everywhere
  6. Python Has a Strong Community
  7. Python Is Free and Open Source
At the command prompt (>>>), type:

print "Game Over"
raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")

The interpreter responds by displaying

Game Over

Try By Yourself:
  1. Create a syntax error of your very own by entering your favorite ice cream flavor in interactive mode. Then, make up for your misdeed and enter a statement that prints the name of your favorite ice cream.
  2. Write and save a program that prints out your name and waits for the user to press the Enter key before the program ends. Then, run the program by double-clicking its icon.
  3. Write a program that prints your favorite quote. It should give credit to the person who said it, on the next line (hint: use two different print statements).
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