How to create Windows Communicatin Foundation (WCF) Service Library?

To create Windows Communicatin Foundation (WCF) Service Library you need have Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or grater version. You cannot find WCF, WPF or WWF in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Now that you have Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 you need to start the application by Start - Programs - Microsoft Visual Studio 2008- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

When you fire Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 you will get the above image. Now you need to open "New Project" dialog box. To do that click File - New - Project. Now select the WCF node after selecting the language C# or VB or C++.

Before clicking OK please ensure that you have selected correct .NET Framework on top, Correct Location and the Solution Name. When you hit OK you will get a default Service1.asmx file which is the WCF Service file in Solution Explorer. Service1.asmx.cs file is the code behind file which contains the actual code of you service. In this file you will write the Service logic.

 Now you are ready to create you own WCF service.


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It's Me!Hi, I'm Moinuddin. I'm a Software Engineer at WIPRO working on Microsoft .NET Technology. I'm interested in a wide range of technology topics, mainly Microsoft including Windows Azure, WCF, WPF, Silverlight and any other cool technology that catches the eye.

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