Difference between HTML and XML?

                 HTML was created by Tim Berners-Lee as a simple and effective way of generating clear and readable documents. HTML enables you to create documents and Web pages that can be read by all web browsers.

                  The World Wide Web Consortium(W3C) developed XML to enable the expansion of Web Technologies into the new domains of document processing and data interchange. It is designed to ease data exchange over the Internet. XML is a text-based markup language that enables you to store data in a structured format by using meaningful tags.

Conside a sample HTML Code:

<b> My Book </b>

<p> John Smith <br />
Tech books publications <br />
$50.00 <br />

The preceding code snippet represents information about the author, publisher, and cost of a book. However, the tags used for presenting the content do not reveal this information. The tags specify the format in which the content must be displayed on ab browser.

<name> My Book </name>
<author> John Smith </author>
<publisher> Tech books publications </publisher>
<price> $50.00 </price> 

The preceding code snippet, the content is described by using meaningul tags to represent the data. XML enables you to create a markup language for your application and does not place any restriction on the number of tags that you can define.


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