Download Free Complete Sample project on Microsoft .NET, Warehouse Management System, along with Documentation & Source Code.

You can download complete Warehouse Management System project for you reference. This project contains Documention and Source Code. Documentation has all the screen shorts of the project. This is very much helpful of new programmer in Microsoft .NET and also to Engineering Final year student in there final year project. Before downloading you can read the abstract,

Project: Warehouse Management System


The Warehouse Management System (WMS) mainly deals with automating the tasks of maintaining and transacting the goods. In the Warehouse Management System, inventory management is the key process. This process includes activities such as maintenance of stock details, ordering and receiving items, maintenance of receipts and items etc. It is a tedious job to maintain all these details manually. Hence, we opted to automate the Warehouse Management System.

Warehouse Management System automates the job of warehouse system.

It mainly includes five members:
Sub-Location In-charge

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